Last evening I had the pleasure of photographing eighth grade graduates and their families. The portraits are simple but convey the pride felt by the parents and the students.
The teams last game was an evening game. The lack of light presented a challenge but I think the kids team effort shows through. This first Photo doesn’t look like a baseball photo at all. Actually she is the daughter of one of the coaches and a players twin sister. I thought she needed some press.
This little guy made me smile from the moment he walked through my door. I think we both had fun. His Mom asked me to take photos of him to remember his first Holy Communion.
Today I spent this beautiful Sunday morning strolling around Chicago’s Botanic Garden. It was wonderful to see signs of spring and feel the sunshine on my face. I was wondering if the sun still existed. These are a few… okay several… photos that I took during my time there. I am posting these for the benefit of needed feedback from fellow photographers so that I can keep improving and advancing my work. Thanks in advance, don’t worry about being kind, I can take it!
by Sally Roeckell